#4 | Loop vs Recursion
Consider a function that is given a list of words and needs to return the number of occurrences of a given letter across all the words.
Here’s a version using a normal loop:
It’s obvious that a recursive version is overkill but it’s a interesting exercise to actually try to write one:
The recursive function:
takes (much) longer to write
is (much) harder to understand
and alters the initial list of words. To avoid this you need to make a copy of the initial list and then pass it to the recursive function resulting in a memory trade off.
When is recursion a good idea?
It depends. There are lot of factors to consider such as:
The underlying data structure. For example a function involving some processing of a tree might be quicker to write and easier to understand using recursion.
The nature of the problem. For example a problem could have a divide and conquer solution that might be quicker to write and easier to understand using recursion.
Likelihood of stack overflow errors. If each recursive function call holds a lot of data it could lead to stack overflow errors. Some languages implement “tail recursion” which helps avoid this problem but Python does not.
I tried to cause a stack overflow error on a macbook using Python but wasn’t able to. More on that later maybe.